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Special Pricing of "The Directory of Long Island Libraries and Media Centers" for LILC Vendors

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SPECIAL PRICE FOR LONG ISLAND LIBRARY CONFERENCE VENDORS DIRECTORY OF LONG ISLAND LIBRARIES AND MEDIA CENTERS, is a directory of libraries located on Long Island, i.e., Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties, as well as a listing of the New York Public Library and the New York State Library in Albany. It is designed to be an invaluable reference tool for providers of reference information. Here in one comprehensive directory is information not available anywhere else. In addition to listing key librarians, information and media specialists and support staff by title, many with their telephone and/or email address, and its indexes include Circulation Systems, important CD ROM and Online products being used, Software, Equipment for Public Use, Library Publications, Meeting Rooms, Information Systems and Special Collections. We ask you to see the expanding section on SERVICES offered at Long Island libraries. The Directory also provides directions to Nassau and Suffolk county public libraries as well as information about the Nassau and Suffolk county library associations.

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